It is unlikely that it will be a mistake to say that many of our troubles occur due to ignoring the experience of previous generations-national or family. Too much is tied from scratch;Too numerous rakes constantly fall under the

feet, and if you believe in the metaphor that Russia is a garden, then this is a garden of annual plants, the writer Leonid Kostryukov believes.

Oddly enough, at the political level, this information squatting could still be if not justified, then it is explained by political motives. The new leader is not interested in PR of his still quite peppy and not descending from the scene of their predecessors. Therefore, he focuses on their shortcomings and errors, and the best is inclined to undermine and betray forgotten. But we are interested in the level of the family. Why, in other words, the son rejects the experience of his father?

Even in the most non -conflict, idyllic song arrangement, generation is fatally divorced. “We have a road to the young everywhere, the old people have a honor everywhere”. It seems to be folding and okay, all sisters in earrings, but ritual honor has nothing to do with the road. Old men seem to hand orders, medals, letters and valuable gifts in a bright and spacious recreation center: they plowed their own, they can rest. And the young walk on the way. Their teachers are difficulties as such.

It may seem that this is a Soviet (+ post -Soviet) effect – the era has become significantly shorter than human life, and what can be learned from a person from another era? But the basic “fathers and children”, which, I think, have already surfaced in the reader’s head, of course, about the same.

Note that the naturalist of Bazarov to the aging adventurer Pavel Kirsanov is far from son. They are “perpendicular” to each other;For denial, you must at least speak one language. In the coordinate system, Pavel Petrovich made sense (and could be opposed), for example, honor and freedom. In the Bazarov axes in terms of benefit, this is only a concussion. Even one word here can mean different things – for example, the freedom of the natural scientist is not identical to liberal freedom. It is also curious that the young Arkady completely assimilates the experience of his father at a plastic-concise level, grows “into it”, like a bear in a bear, but this also depresses the author and the reader. Such assimilation paradoxically is equal to the denial, because again the turn of the spiral did not work, but only jumping to the beginning, the notorious resurrection.

Perhaps the transfer of experience begins with his assignment by the carrier himself, legalization, or something. That is, an elderly person pronounces some rather banal and understandable formula like: “Of course, one could go through the distance and cleaner, avoiding some mistakes, but in general, looking back, I am pleased with my life. I saw this and that, I found out this and this, I was grieved and was happy, I have something to be proud of and what to hope for after leaving. And here’s what I will tell you … ”I don’t know how you, but I see here the figure of an elderly Swiss, or the Caucasian, or the Japanese – but I do not see a Russian person. The best and brilliantly expressed themselves – Pushkin, Tolstoy, Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Chekhov – looked back “with disgust” and saw only the ruins. A sensation of a last failure, constant anxiety led them to genuine greatness. People who feel like losers, Majovo look at us from the pedestals. Therefore, in Russia it is not just not ashamed to be a loser, it is, as it were, almost not discussed. But why would the loser get into the position of the experience translator? “And here’s what I will tell you …” It sounds a parody.

This, of course, does not apply to professional experience;Everything here is in place. Noble glassblower (veterinarian, writer, plumber) reports the subtleties of crafts to the young colleague – the meaning of the phenomenon, his positive nature, visible results are not guaranteed automatically (everything can be done badly), but it is quite possible. Including in Moscow and in Russia, I personally testify: he studied and taught himself;He played the role of the transfer link to the best of hard work and abilities. I did not find any national-mental interference.

But what personally I learned from my parents’ experience and what I can convey to the children? Well, let’s say, I knew little and bad father. Here we are talking about human memory;Search in this memory also personal benefit would be almost blasphemous. My mother’s family suffered under Stalin;The main life experience of my mother was, to put it mildly, in caution, and directly speaking – in a total unhealed fear. It has never come in handy. My children with varying degrees of interest can listen to the stories of my youth under the canopy of the Brezhnev eyebrows. The times when the salary did not depend on real production;skills, how to get buckwheat … it is clear that it is not possible to use it literally. This is something like garbage on the air.

And if you proceed to the “removed” experience made from it, it is depressingly unchanged. Do not lie to others, do not deceive yourself, do not take someone else’s … You can only subscribe to this, as under an open collective letter, on the page with a 12-digit number. We add only the aroma of time to world culture, cute, but insignificant details – they are also easy to subtract from the result.

Or maybe I exaggerate the meaning of local color and the phenomenon globally and total? And the image of the unforgettable Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando), introducing Mike (Al Pacino) into details, is not as criminal as archaic? I would like to believe that this is not entirely.

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